Home Surname List Name Index Sources | Jonathan Mosher71 was born on 20 February 1770 in Rhode Island.71 He died on 25 July 1848 at the age of 78 in Philadelphia, Jefferson County, New York.71 He has reference number Buck3223. [Anderson0208.FTW] Richard Anderson notes: Moshers were from RI. -- 7/00. One of 10 children - for details see file Mosher <lanehunter@@aol.com>. Spouse: Sara Palmer-Buck3224. Children were: Stephen C Mosher-Buck1342. Stephen C Mosher71,134,193 was born on 5 November 1806 in Washington, Dutchess County, New York.70,71 He died on 19 September 1874 at the age of 67 in Harmony, Rock County, Wisconsin.70,71 He has reference number Buck1342. Parents: Jonathan Mosher-Buck3223 and Sara Palmer-Buck3224. Spouse: Sarah Frances Bucklin-Buck1341. Sarah Frances Bucklin and Stephen C Mosher were married in 1829 in Wisconsin.70,134,193,3579 Living (private). Spouse: Living. Children were: Living, Living. Christine Isabelle Moulton was born on 23 July 1901 in York, Maine.742 She died on 28 August 1999 at the age of 98 in Ipswich, Massachusetts, United States.1274 She has reference number Buck2073. Christine was buried at First Parish Cemetery in York Village, York, Maine, United States.4763 There is a photo on the find a grave memorial. The headstone is covered with lichen growth and difficult to read. 13 Oct 2020 ~csbucklin Spouse: Hollie Arthur Bucklin Sr-Buck2072. Christine Isabelle Moulton and Hollie Arthur Bucklin Sr were married on 30 September 1926.742 Children were: Hollie Arthur Bucklin Jr-Buck2046. Linda Louise Mulhollan559 was born on 22 February 1944 in Orange, Orange, Texas, United States.4764 She died on 29 June 2015 at the age of 71 in Beaumont, Jefferson, Texas, United States.4764 She has reference number Buck509. Linda was buried at Claybar Hillcrest Memorial Gardens in Orange, Orange, Texas, United States.4764 Spouse: Robert Louis (Buck) Bucklin Jr-Buck492. Linda Louise Mulhollan and Robert Louis (Buck) Bucklin Jr were married UNKNOWN. Marilyn Adele Munyan was born on 13 May 1933 in Neptune City, Monmouth, New Jersey, United States.4765 She died on 30 November 2003 at the age of 70 in Rancho Palos Verdes, Los Angeles, California, United States.4765 Obituary lists 4 children and 3 grandchildren. She was buried at Green Hills Memorial Park in Rancho Palos Verdes, Los Angeles, California, United States.4765 Garden of Reflection Family Estate, 955 B Marilyn has reference number Buck3806. Spouse: Living. Children were: Living, Living, Living, Living. Living (private). Spouse: Maureen White-Buck4085. Children were: Living, Living. Living (private). Parents: Living and Maureen White-Buck4085. Living (private). Parents: Living and Maureen White-Buck4085. Joseph H Murphy was born in 1858 in CANADA.609 He lived in Detroit, Michigan in March 1900.609 He has reference number Buck2136. Spouse: Ada Ethel Bucklin-Buck2135. Ada Ethel Bucklin and Joseph H Murphy were married on 9 March 1900 in Windsor, Essex, Ontario, CANADA.609 Mary Elizabeth Murphy was born on 9 September 1900 in Texas.4766 She appeared in the census in 1930 in Dallas, Dallas, Texas, United States.1498 She died on 1 March 1994 at the age of 93 in Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States.4766 Mary was buried at Calvary Hill Cemetery in Dallas, Dallas, Texas, United States.4766 She has reference number Buck3110. Spouse: Norman Earl Bucklin-Buck3103. Mary Elizabeth Murphy and Norman Earl Bucklin were married on 28 April 1924 in Hillsboro, Jefferson, Missouri, United States. Children were: Dorothy Hope Bucklin-Buck3111, Marion Faith Bucklin-Buck3114. Margaret Murray was born on 6 January 1869 in IRELAND. She died before 1940 at the age of 71. in 1940, Henry is listed as a widow and living with their daughter and family. She has reference number Buck5427. Spouse: Henry Francis Bucklin-Buck735. Margaret Murray and Henry Francis Bucklin were married on 14 November 1901 in Rhode Island. Children were: Mildred Frances Bucklin-Buck5428. Mary D (Mayme) Myers was born in March 1863 in Ohio. She died on 17 October 1924 at the age of 61 in Lucas, Ohio, United States. She has reference number Buck4208. Spouse: John Charles Bucklin-Buck4205. Mary D (Mayme) Myers and John Charles Bucklin were married in 1885 in Ohio. Children were: Maude S Bucklin-Buck4209, Mark Bucklin-Buck4214, Guy Allen Bucklin-Buck4217. Gertrude Belle Nash801 was born on 3 November 1881 in Bremen, Lincoln, Maine, United States. She died on 27 September 1950 at the age of 68 in Portland, Cumberland, Maine, United States. She has reference number Buck2813. Spouse: Joseph Williams Bucklin-Buck1556. Gertrude Belle Nash and Joseph Williams Bucklin were married on 9 April 1899 in Maine. They were divorced on 27 September 1931 in Portland, Maine, United States. Children were: Everett Albert Bucklin-Buck2814, Clayton Archibald Bucklin-Buck2815, Hollie Arthur Bucklin Sr-Buck2072, Joseph Edward Bucklin-Buck2816, Frederick Dodge Bucklin Sr-Buck2817, Dorothy Leila Bucklin-Buck2818, Donald B Bucklin-Buck2819, Alice Davenport Bucklin-Buck2820. Living (private). Parents: Living and Living. Living (private). Spouse: Living. Children were: Living, Living, Living. Living (private). Parents: Living and Living. Living (private). Parents: Living and Living. Carrie Nellis71 was born in 1854.71,1652 She died on 6 April 1935 at the age of 81. She has reference number Buck3206. [Anderson0208.FTW] 1850 census in Otsego Co., NY. 1860 census shows James age 37, merchant, wife Eliza 34, Helen E. 10, Carrie 6, James B. age 2 Parents: James Henrick (Henry) Nellis-Buck3203 and Eliza Maria Bucklin-Buck1312. Spouse: Alexis Culter Smith-Buck3209. Charles H. Nellis71 was born in 1900.71,1652 He died in 1914 at the age of 14.71,1652 He was buried in Mount Hope Cemetery, Rochester, Monroe County, New York.71,1652 Charles has reference number Buck3211. [Anderson0208.FTW] Anderson note: date of parents' marriage. Info on Charles H. from same source as parents date (McLaughlin - see sources) ... something is wrong with one of them. Parents: James Bucklin Nellis-Buck3207 and Maud Willard-Buck3210. Fannie P. Nellis71 was born in 1851.71,1652 She died in 1860 at the age of 9.71,1652 She has reference number Buck3205. Parents: James Henrick (Henry) Nellis-Buck3203 and Eliza Maria Bucklin-Buck1312. Helen Eliza Nellis71 was born on 29 October 1849 in Otsego County, New York, United States.71,1652 She died of cerebral hemorrhage and arterio sclerosis on 15 August 1926 at the age of 76 in Phoenix, Maricopa, Arizona, United States.4767 She has reference number Buck3204. [Anderson0208.FTW] 1850 census in Otsego Co., NY. 1860 census shows James age 37, merchant, wife Eliza 34, Helen E. 10, Carrie 6, James B. age 2 Parents: James Henrick (Henry) Nellis-Buck3203 and Eliza Maria Bucklin-Buck1312. Spouse: Charles Volney Wheeler-Buck3208. Helen Eliza Nellis and Charles Volney Wheeler were married on 21 June 1877 at home of J.H. Nellis, Esq in Rochester, Monroe, New York, United States. James Bucklin Nellis71 was born in 1858.71,1652 He died in 1925 at the age of 67.71,1652 He has reference number Buck3207. [Anderson0208.FTW] 1850 census in Otsego Co., NY. 1860 census shows James age 37, merchant, wife Eliza 34, Helen E. 10, Carrie 6, James B. age 2 Parents: James Henrick (Henry) Nellis-Buck3203 and Eliza Maria Bucklin-Buck1312. Spouse: Maud Willard-Buck3210. Maud Willard and James Bucklin Nellis were married on 16 June 1892.74,1652 Children were: Charles H. Nellis-Buck3211. James Henrick (Henry) Nellis71,134,193 was born on 13 November 1822 in Rochester, Monroe, New York.71,134,193,1652 He served in the military enlisted in Jefferson Co, NY Co H. 18th Calvary as a private. on 18 August 1863.71 Suffered from a rupture he attributed to his military service. He died on 6 November 1896 at the age of 73 in Rochester, Monroe, New York.71,1652 Henry was also known as James Henry Nellis.71,1652 He was buried in Mount Hope Cemetery, Rochester, Monroe County, New York.71,1652 He was a Limestone quarry worker.71 Henry has reference number Buck3203. Buck1313 was merged with this Buck 3203 on 22 Jul 2011. [Anderson0208.FTW] Return address on envelope sent to Mrs. Alden Bucklin, Fowler NY "Lime Manufacturer, Kilns at Rapids, and on Genesee St. Rochester, NY See comment re Helen Nellis (Wheeler) Walker (related to artist Charles V. Wheeler) in Anderson note on #901. Wells says he had 5 children. McLaughlin (see Anderson sources) says: died of Stroke; Civil War Vet RQM 22 NY Cav. James: Pension Inv. # 825747 Cert 597947. Spouse: Eliza Maria Bucklin-Buck1312. Eliza Maria Bucklin and James Henrick (Henry) Nellis were married on 12 September 1848 in Little Falls, Herkimer, New York.74,134,193,1652 Children were: Helen Eliza Nellis-Buck3204, Fannie P. Nellis-Buck3205, Carrie Nellis-Buck3206, James Bucklin Nellis-Buck3207. Olga Emily (Molly) Nelson was born in March 1881 in Malmo, Sweden. She died in 1941 at the age of 60 in Bloomfield, Knox, Nebraska, United States. She has reference number Buck5731. Molly was buried at Saint Joseph's Cemetery in Everett, Burt, Nebraska, United States.4768 Spouse: James Volney Bucklin-Buck5730. Olga Emily (Molly) Nelson and James Volney Bucklin were married on 26 December 1899 in Nebraska. Children were: Raymond Edwin (Ray) Bucklin-Buck1263, Gertrude Bucklin-Buck6060, Rex Gerald Bucklin-Buck6066, Russell Owen (Luke) Bucklin-Buck5736, James Leroy Bucklin-Buck5732. Living (private). Spouse: Living. Children were: Living, Dale E Bucklin-Buck997, Living, Living. Janice Mae Newberg was born on 1 August 1919 in Marshalltown, Iowa, United States. She died on 13 November 2004 at the age of 85 in Culver City, Los Angeles, California, United States. She has reference number Buck5080. Spouse: Robert Bruce Bucklin Jr-Buck5076. Janice Mae Newberg and Robert Bruce Bucklin Jr were married on 25 March 1942 in California. Children were: James Leslie Bucklin-Buck3575. Bernice Newbert was born on 18 October 1893 in Maine. She died in May 1975 at the age of 81 in Thomaston, Maine, United States. She has reference number Buck2213. Bernice was buried at Thomaston Village Cemetery in Thomaston, Knox, Maine, United States.4769 plot: sec 9, lot 48, grave 2. There is a photo of the headstone on the find a grave memorial. Spouse: Walter Earl Bucklin-Buck1568. Bernice Newbert and Walter Earl Bucklin were married on 6 May 1916 in Thomaston, Maine, United States. Children were: Dunbar Richard Bucklin-Buck3510, Fred R Bucklin-Buck4842. David Newcomb was born on 24 October 1810 in Pittstown, Rensselaer, New York, United States. He died on 14 October 1888 at the age of 77 in Lansingburg, New York, United States. He was buried at Oakwood Cemetery in Troy, Rensselaer, New York, United States. David has reference number Buck6177. Parents: Simon Newcomb-Buck6178 and Sarah Follett-Buck6179. Spouse: Rhoda A Bucklin-Buck4012. Rhoda A Bucklin and David Newcomb were married on 28 December 1848. Mary Whay Newcomb was born on 9 October 1838 in Yarmouth, Massachusetts, United States. She died on 26 September 1919 at the age of 80 in Pawtucket, Providence, Rhode Island, United States. She has reference number Buck4924. Mary was buried at Walnut Hill Cemetery.55 Spouse: Seba Bucklin-Buck2103. Mary Whay Newcomb and Seba Bucklin were married UNKNOWN. Children were: Maude Augusta Bucklin-Buck4925. Nomina Newcomb was born on 16 January 1805 in Pittstown, Rensselaer, New York, United States. She died on 16 April 1882 at the age of 77 in Lansingburg, New York, United States. She has reference number Buck6181. Parents: Simon Newcomb-Buck6178 and Sarah Follett-Buck6179. Spouse: Thomas Wallace Newcomb-Buck6180. Nomina Newcomb and Thomas Wallace Newcomb were married in 1823. Children were: Nomina Newcomb-Buck1238. Nomina Newcomb was born on 14 February 1828 in Pittstown, Rensselaer, New York, United States.4770 She died on 13 August 1876 at the age of 48 in Lansingburg, New York, United States.4770 She has reference number Buck1238. Nomina was buried at Oakood Cemetery in Troy, Rensselaer, New York, United States.4770 Plot: Section D. There are photos on the find a grave memorial. Parents: Thomas Wallace Newcomb-Buck6180 and Nomina Newcomb-Buck6181. Spouse: Daniel Dorman Bucklin MD-Buck1237. Nomina Newcomb and Daniel Dorman Bucklin MD were married in 1851.1361 Children were: Jeannie Newcomb Bucklin-Buck1239, Nomina Newcomb Bucklin-Buck2074, Charles Aubrey Bucklin MD-Buck2287, Helen Mary Bucklin-Buck1943. Simon Newcomb was born on 5 June 1779 in Pleasant Valley, Dutchess, New York, United States. He died on 20 November 1870 at the age of 91 in Lansingburg, New York, United States. He has reference number Buck6178. Spouse: Sarah Follett-Buck6179. Children were: Nomina Newcomb-Buck6181, David Newcomb-Buck6177. Thomas Wallace Newcomb was born in 1797 in Pittstown, New York, United States. He died in June 1870 at the age of 73 in Albany, Albany, New York, United States. He was buried at Albany Rural Cemetery in Menands, Albany, New York, United States. Thomas has reference number Buck6180. Spouse: Nomina Newcomb-Buck6181. Nomina Newcomb and Thomas Wallace Newcomb were married in 1823. Children were: Nomina Newcomb-Buck1238. Cora Agnes Newcomer was born on 25 January 1883 in Warrensburg, Johnson, Missouri, United States. She died on 13 December 1960 at the age of 77 in Vista, San Diego, California, United States. She was buried at Rose Hill Cemetery in Idaho Falls, Bonneville, Idaho, United States.4771 Cora has reference number Buck2892. Spouse: Alexander Hollis Bucklin-Buck1653. Cora Agnes Newcomer and Alexander Hollis Bucklin were married on 4 September 1912 in Idaho Falls, Bonneville, Idaho, United States. Children were: Hollis Newcomer Bucklin-Buck3550. Sarah Newman was born on 29 April 1742.4416 Alt birth 9 Apr 1741 listed in Massachusetts vital records. Sarah is the daughter of John and Sarah. She died in 1830 at the age of 88 in Pawtucket, Providence, Rhode Island, United States.4772,4773 In 89th year She has reference number Buck720. Spouse: Oliver Bucklin-Buck338. Sarah Newman and Oliver Bucklin had marriage intentions recorded on 21 March 1761 in Rehoboth, Bristol, Massachusetts Bay, British America.440 They440 were married on 1 October 1761 at Newman Church in Rehoboth, Bristol, Massachusetts Bay, British America.223,440,3359 married by Rev. John Carnes Children were: Abigail Bucklin-Buck1189, Benjamin Bucklin-Buck1190, Sarah Bucklin-Buck1191, Luce Bucklin-Buck1192, Cynthia Bucklin-Buck1193, Henrietta Bucklin-Buck1194, Charlotte Bucklin-Buck1195, Sabrina Bucklin-Buck1196, Beriah Bucklin-Buck1656, Stephen Bucklin-Buck1197, Charlotte Bucklin-Buck1198. Sarah Newman was born in February 1806 in Massachusetts.1062 She appeared in the census in 1850 in Cumberland, Providence, Rhode Island, United States.1062 She appeared in the census on 1 June 1865 in East Providence, Rhode Island, United States.2404 Sarah died in September 1878 at the age of 72.156 She was buried at Carpenter Cemetery in Providence, Rhode Island, United States.156 W/O James She has reference number Buck3410. Spouse: James Bucklin 5th-Buck3311. Sarah Newman and James Bucklin 5th had marriage intentions recorded on 22 November 1823[Place Details].2405 They2405 were married on 5 December 1824 in Seekonk, Bristol, Massachusetts, United States.2405 married by John Medbury, Esq. Children were: Bradford Sedgwick Bucklin-Buck1769, James P Bucklin-Buck1770, Sarah Bucklin-Buck1774, George D Bucklin-Buck3312, Otis Potter Bucklin-Buck2244, Mary Elizabeth Bucklin-Buck2899, William H Bucklin-Buck1074. Victor Thomas Newton67 was born on 8 November 1899.67,68 He died on 23 November 1970 at the age of 71.67,68 He has reference number Buck2366. Spouse: Living. Mary Eustace Nicholl was born about 1875 in Iona, Ionia, Michigan, United States. She died in July 1952 at the age of 77 in Monmouth, New Jersey, United States. She was buried at Fair View Cemetery in Middletown, Monmouth, New Jersey, United States.4774 Mary has reference number Buck2540. Spouse: John Bucklin-Buck2536. Mary Eustace Nicholl and John Bucklin were married on 21 February 1906 at Baptist Church Parsonage in Red Bank, Monmouth, New Jersey, United States.2663,2664 Rev. William B Matteson Children were: Kate Eustace Bucklin-Buck2541. Living (private). Nathan Nichols was born on 21 October 1752 in East Greenwich, Rhode Island, British America.1733 He has reference number Buck1220. Parents: Thomas Nichols Jr-Buck286 and Esther Bucklin-Buck283. Phillip Nichols was born on 20 October 1754 in East Greenwich, Rhode Island, British America.1733 He has reference number Buck1221. Parents: Thomas Nichols Jr-Buck286 and Esther Bucklin-Buck283. Sarah Nichols was born on 12 February 1748 in East Greenwich, Rhode Island, British America.1733 She died on 4 February 1750 at the age of 1 in East Greenwich, Rhode Island, British America.1733 She has reference number Buck1967. Parents: Thomas Nichols Jr-Buck286 and Esther Bucklin-Buck283. Susannah Nichols was born on 14 December 1750 in East Greenwich, Rhode Island, British America.1733 She has reference number Buck1973. Parents: Thomas Nichols Jr-Buck286 and Esther Bucklin-Buck283. Thomas Nichols Jr15,132 was born before 1730. He died after 1750 at the age of 20. He was New Light minister, about 1757 in East Greenwich, Rhode Island.4775 Thomas was also known as Thomas Nichols.4775 He has reference number Buck286. Spouse: Esther Bucklin-Buck283. Esther Bucklin and Thomas Nichols Jr were married on 7 March 1747 in Coventry, Providence, Rhode Island, British America.1734 Children were: Sarah Nichols-Buck1967, Susannah Nichols-Buck1973, Nathan Nichols-Buck1220, Phillip Nichols-Buck1221, Zilpha Nichols-Buck4095. Zilpha Nichols was born on 17 November 1756 in Newport, Rhode Island, British America.132,1733 She died on 16 May 1836 at the age of 79.132 She has reference number Buck4095. Parents: Thomas Nichols Jr-Buck286 and Esther Bucklin-Buck283. Spouse: Captain Lemuel White-Buck4080. Zilpha Nichols and Captain Lemuel White were married on 23 July 1778 in Shrewsbury, Vermont.132 Children were: Living. Libby Nickerson442 has reference number Buck4162. Spouse: George Rollo Canfield Jr-Buck4121. Libby Nickerson and George Rollo Canfield Jr were married.442 George Rollo Canfield Jr and his 1st wife Libby Nickerson had three children: Living (private). Parents: Living and Living. Living (private). Parents: Living and Living. Living (private). |